Join in and support innovative approaches to systemic change in Red Hook. Based on your interest and availability we offer a host of regularly occurring opportunities as well as event based support.
Tutor a high school youth in a challenging subject, coach a senior through writing a college essay with a senior, bring your professional experiences to lead a workshop and much more.

Group Volunteering
Does your office, department or team want to spend time giving back and sharing your talents with our community? Red Hook Initiative’s professional development team is always looking for exciting opportunities to exhibit real-world professions. Experience tells us that hearing from established professionals has a powerful impact for our young adults in order to help them envision professional pathways in dynamic industries.
Reach out to volunteers@rhicenter.org to start this conversation today. Interested in a meaningful team-building day of outdoor work? Check out the Team Volunteer Days section below.

Volunteer at Red Hook Farms
Individual Volunteering
The 2024 Red Hook Farms volunteer season is almost here! In the meantime, Sign up to volunteer this year!
We schedule all volunteer sessions in advance to ensure we can plan appropriate projects and bring our incredible volunteer community into our larger work plans and initiatives. If you have any questions please email volunteers@rhicenter.org with the subject “Individual Volunteering”.
See you in the Spring!
Team Volunteer Days
We welcome groups for meaningful and productive volunteer days. We are able to host groups of up to 20 volunteers to tackle a variety of tasks – turning windrows, pulling weeds and harvesting all while getting dirty in our outdoor classroom! If your team has experience with construction, that’s a major plus. We generally request a donation to support staff time and materials and offer an opportunity to partner with our team to further the work being done on the farms.
The 2023 Red Hook Farms season has limited group sessions that will begin early spring. Please email volunteers@rhicenter.org with the subject “Group Volunteering” to reserve your spot this year!