Public safety is more critical now in society than ever. The dangers I’ve had over the years have become harder to deal with, and the safety issues need to be addressed. Public safety is a system, a community where people can worry carefree about harassment and dangers that our neighborhoods have today. It also includes the negative output that law enforcement contributes to us. Crime is an ongoing trend when one seeks to harm, suffer and punish another—leaving loved ones scarred for the rest of their lives, having qualified immunity, corruption, and lies

Public safety means having easy access to the necessities needed to live a sustainable life. Often the lack of resources in communities can lead to unsafe and unlawful living methods to make ends meet. With the amount of time I’ve spent in low, middle, and high-class communities, I can confidently say that access to education, jobs, healthcare, food, and housing resources are significantly limited and subordinate in middle and low-class neighborhoods than they are in higher-class communities.

Public safety to me means having security, access, and resources that aren’t sacred, especially where you and your loved ones reside. The type of neighborhood you live in, your backgrounds or your status shouldn’t be a factor as to why you’re limited to resources. Anybody that has passed through Red Hook or works in Red Hook knows that the neighborhood is one way in, one way out, meaning the only close by transit are the buses on Lorraine Street and the train station on Smith and 9th, which is a 15 minute walk away. Red Hook is deserted and geographically segregated from the rest of Brooklyn.

After learning and seeing with my own eyes how the justice system works and how they go about their procedures that they use, I believe that cops are not here to protect and serve and that no one feels safe around them anymore. A microaggression is basically another version of racism. It’s one example of why cops act how they act. Microaggressions are the everyday slights, insults, putdowns, invalidations, and offensive behaviors that people experience in daily interactions with individuals who may be unaware that they have engaged in demeaning ways and it could be in many ways.

What does Public Safety mean to me? Public Safety to me, is making sure that people are safe and taking actions to make sure that we can ensure our safety. One thing I can say is I never really paid attention to the safety issues we have going on in the world until I joined the Public Safety program with RHI (Red Hook Initiative). RHI made me open my eyes to so many things that are happening around me. One of the acts we were a part of was, put an end to the gang’s database. I never had a clue that the police even had any such thing, but our PS team joined families, advocates, and elective officials on the steps of borough hall, as we had to support a city Council built to abolish the NYPD’s gangs database and prevent the creation of a replacement.

As a young man of color, public safety has various meanings that will impact daily living throughout a community. The general aspect of safety in low-income communities is neglected by the ones in power to make change that would benefit the ones in need but to capitalize on land that would make the economy more millions of dollars. Thoughts would constantly change every century. Public safety prevention/protection from events that could endanger the wellbeing of the general population. Public safety to means learning to look out for the people that are generally impacted by any situation that harms their daily way of living in any environment.

While being born and raised in the city of Brooklyn, I’ve seen and gone through many good times and bad. Nowadays, it’s hard for adults, young adults, teens, and children to go outside in their own communities to be free and have fun. What I mean by that is we don’t party outdoors much, we don’t have block parties as much, and we don’t have community celebrations. Nor do we send our kids out to play anymore. All of these essential things that make up life and the community are no longer happening because people are afraid they might never see a loved one again, which is terrifying and hurtful. Seeing the community stagnant, divided, and judged puts a strain on fun, laughter, love, and safety.